Category: PROJECTSPage 1 of 4
Every hero is defined by their villain. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache…
There might be a juicy story behind this one. An experimental image for the top secret group Daydream Arena. The Godfather, 2012.
Every hero is defined by their villain. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache…
Small shifts can bring about gargantuan change. An experimental image for the top secret group Daydream Arena. Eep, 2012.
This piece pokes at work and smiles. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache…
Many artists spend their careers figuring out what they would like to ignore. Some things escape this trap and will demand to be noticed. An experimental image for…
This image is not a revelation, it is an observation. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce…
All sort of things are not to be believed. An experimental image for the top secret group Daydream Arena. Suspension, 2012.
An homage to the late, great Arthur C. Clarke. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with…
The heat is on. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Bubble and Squeak,…
Sometimes it is better to just turn your back. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with…
A very vague reference to gallery night in NYC. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with…
It gets everywhere. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Old Flavor, 2012.
There are several things wrong with this image but there may be something right as well. An experimental image for the top secret group Daydream Arena. If you…
Spring has just begun but it is already time to start preparing for Summer. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and…
Sometimes green means that you have to go. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian…
A renaissance is a revival, it may not symbolize anything new. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd…
They are on the television and out the window. You just need to know where to look. An experimental image for the top secret group Daydream Arena. If…
It’s been a long wait for 2012, now that we are here, we find ourselves still waiting. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between…
Crossing the line, again. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Glow in the…
Here is the happy mess that I made under the supervision of wax man, Don Porcella. It didn’t start out as food but… An experimental image for the…
I changed up some methods for working with Ian on this piece or perhaps I just started at a different place. A new image for Trespass, the long…
Sailors report preposterous visions at sea. An experimental image for the top secret group Daydream Arena. If you would like to look in on and/or contribute work to…
Ian stated that things might get strange. I remembered that strange is not always a bad thing. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between…
I learned this week that there is a flea that can exist in sub freezing temperatures. Snow Fleas. It’s much the same for humans. Adapt or perish. An…
Emotions run strong during the holidays. Abstain and you may ruin everything. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache….
Lately, some changes on Facebook have made it very difficult for fans of Trespass to see our work. There is no conspiracy. It may be a glitch in…
It takes raw nerve and tremendous courage to set something like this off. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian…
Just because you can be in two places simultaneously doesn’t mean that you should. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and…
As the date rushes toward us, the hysteria is dying out. Huge amounts of weirdness are headed this way, right? Right? An experimental image for the top secret…
I was researching illusory superiority and this came about. A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with…
Some people… A new image for Trespass, the long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Always Winning, 2011.
Sometimes a sign is just a sign and other times it can be much more. An experimental image for the top secret group Daydream Arena. Diver Down, 2011.
The collectors were buzzing around, sharing their heat. We had some steamy offers but didn’t want to say “yes.” An experimental image for the top secret group Daydream…