Category: PROJECTSPage 3 of 4
Most models have the void acting as a container for a vacuum. It may all just come down to bags and wind. Here is another big maybe for…
This image is a response to two great artists. An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian…
I’ve been thinking a lot about facade and the other face that it hides. Get a glimpse and run like hell. Another experiment for the uncalculable Unknown. The…
It wasn’t always huge parties and MTV for Andy. He worked hard for the money. An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and…
This image is not intended as political satire, it just worked out that way. Another hot experiment tossed into the great void that is the Unknown. No Comment,…
Find this guy and receive nothing for your trouble. An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian…
Something new for the group, Unknown. The tone has been very “homeland security” over there and I have been reacting. This guy has you covered. Security Blanket, 2011.
It’s all about the X’s and O’s. You have to have a game plan if you expect to score. An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration…
Something new for the mysterious group, Unknown. You Can’t Spell Department Without Art, 2011.
Last week, I referred to a secret group of contemporary artists. This is the latest piece for the Unknown. If you truly believe that you can keep up,…
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Every End, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Lust at the Zoo, 2011.
Here is something that I made for a secret club of pretentious artists. Yes and No, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Title Exceeded Character Length, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache All Night Emergency Kit Party, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Trespass Braces for Irene, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Sundays Suck, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Cousin of Destruction, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache One Hundred Foot Friend to the End, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Trespizza, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Sunday is for Stroking Technology, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Trespass Stock Index (not so nyse), 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Let’s Play Hostage, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Color Cannot be Repressed, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Ian and I have started a grey vs gray war/campaign/offensive. So far, the…
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Grey vs. Gray (An Updated Map), 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Something Amiss, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache The Duke of Darkness Visits Ian’s Studio, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Trespassing is a Right, Not a Privilege, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache We Have a Daughter, Her Name is America,…
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache We Have a Son, His Name is Abracadabra,…
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache History Channel Monster, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Button Pushing Monster, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache G_M_CHE, 2011.
An image from Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Still Reigning, 2011.
From Trespass, a long distance visual collaboration between Syd Royce and Ian Gamache. Syd Royce with Ian Gamache Get More Fans, 2011.