Tag: artPage 1 of 20
After that, it’s just one long solid line.
The subject changes but the answers always point back to the same spot.
The claim could be neither verified nor denied.
A lot to cover here.
An experimental short film.
Opportunity abounds for these incredibly talented souls.
Just the right amount is to ignore today and remember tomorrow.
The question was buried before there was a chance to consider an answer.
It seems that there was significant contact.
It’s supposed to be one of these on here.
One thing after another. How could it be any different?
Motivation, direction, and duration.
The growth is astonishing.
There is no stopping it because ignorance is where it begins.
I’m no expert, but it must be bear grease.
Introversion is fine as long as you share once in a while.
Did you get or give into any mischief last night?
Only one more day of this sort of thing.
Managing time is an illusion.
The horror.
It’s a dream that won’t go away. That might be classified as a nightmare but often times one can hardly tell the difference.
The gateway to fine art is a paradoxical threshold. The bouncer works an arbitrary rope line with winners and losers inside and out. I’ll be getting topical for the next few days with a raised and lowered brow on the season.
It was a good idea to increase that philosophical distance.
We’ll never sell your information. Believe us.
It was a strange hunt but we finally caught the last one.
Never sorry for being two places at once.
Exploring an equilibrium of import and export.
Reading body language day and night.
If the conditions are not perfect, nature will look elsewhere.
It entered life like a toxic landmine.
It was just after sunrise but no one knew.
A title so nice, I used it twice.
Google will surely penalize my website for this infraction. Buck the norms, pay a price. Intended irony is fading away.
Caught the bounce and panicked. There’s always tomorrow.
The things you find when you are not looking.
Yesterday was highlighted by boring people making obvious mistakes and failing to accept responsibility for their ineptitude. There is little choice but to fly above and witness the carnage from a distance.
A butt will make this image soar on social media.
Can the space handle that mess?
Scurrying around and leaving a trail.
Fighting a fever and spreading it around.