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Getting tough. Syd Royce Cyber, 2016 digital image 5700 x 4153 pixels at 300dpi.
Look away, try to be invisible. Syd Royce Inspection, 2016 digital image 3818 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
Losing heat quickly. Syd Royce Breakthrough, 2016 digital image 3764 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
Millions of years in the making. Syd Royce Jewel, 2016 digital image 4138 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
This isn’t the end. You haven’t written it yet. Syd Royce Lost Souls, 2016 digital image 3452 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
Burying time. Syd Royce Over and Out, 2016 digital image 4114 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
Hook me up. Syd Royce Imagine Image, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4287 pixels at 300dpi.
It was a great idea. Syd Royce Getting Lost, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4200 pixels at 300dpi.
Feed me. Syd Royce Like Me, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4224 pixels at 300dpi.
A lot of air. Syd Royce Feeling Like, 2016 digital image 4224 x 4200 pixels at 300dpi.
Hidden message. Syd Royce See Something, 2016 digital image 3820 x 5400 pixels at 300dpi.
Getting better all the time. Syd Royce Castaway, 2016 digital image 5550 x 3741 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s all relative. Syd Royce Relatively Stable, 2016 digital image 4200 x 5549 pixels at 300dpi.
Syd Royce Public Sculpture Proposal #6352, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4367 pixels at 300dpi.
When one goes on, the other goes off. Syd Royce Planted, 2016 digital image 3800 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
A dry place. Syd Royce Left Out, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4200 pixels at 300dpi.
Port and form. Syd Royce Trans, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4448 pixels at 300dpi.
Going up, coming down. Syd Royce Aisles, 2016 digital image 5241 x 4020 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s going to be just fine. Syd Royce Stroke, 2016 digital image 5550 x 3581 pixels at 300dpi.
It was worth it. Syd Royce Conjuring, 2016 digital image 4107 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
Just looking. Syd Royce Particles, 2016 digital image 3769 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
Taking and giving. Syd Royce Off, 2016 digital image 4449 x 4200 pixels at 300dpi.
The word is gone. Syd Royce History Starting Over, 2016 digital image 4042 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
Game on. Syd Royce Players, 2016 digital image 5550 x 3171 pixels at 300dpi.
Nothing wrong with a rebuild. Syd Royce Breakdown, 2016 digital image 5166 x 4200 pixels at 300dpi.
He likes showing his stripes. Syd Royce The Snob, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4470 pixels at 300dpi.
Suits chasing suits. Syd Royce Establishment, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4445 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s all in there. Syd Royce Third Brew, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4286 pixels at 300dpi.
Getting in line. Syd Royce Pursuit, 2016 digital image 5550 x 3938 pixels at 300dpi.
Making room for good. Syd Royce Clearout, 2016 digital image 5655 x 4200 pixels at 300dpi.
A good match is fire. Syd Royce Close Cover Before Striking, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4931 pixels at 300dpi.
A real dream. Syd Royce Just a Dream, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4367 pixels at 300dpi.
Down and down, it never stops. Syd Royce Setting, 2016 digital image 3853 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
It happens so rarely that I forget the possibility exists to meet people with similar interests and shared desires. Syd Royce Getting Along, 2016 digital image 5500 x…
The time to get out was before we got in. Syd Royce Just Can’t See, 2016 digital image 3159 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s alright, just step through. Syd Royce One Rent in the Fabric, 2016 digital image 3645 x 5700 pixels at 300dpi.
So just be. Syd Royce You Are, 2016 digital image 4854 x 4200 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s a virtual experience. Syd Royce A Good Weekend, 2016 digital image 4200 x 5632 pixels at 300dpi.
Some old and some new. Syd Royce Secrets, 2016 digital image 5355 x 4200 pixels at 300dpi.
Ignore it if you can. Syd Royce Off Color, 2016 digital image 4200 x 4977 pixels at 300dpi.