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Rumors and dead ends. Apprentice, 2015 digital image 4709 x 3900 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s the past and the future. Solar Power, 2015 digital image 3750 x 4813 pixels at 300dpi.
Envisioning dreams. Spectral Evidence, 2015 digital image 5250 x 3500 pixels at 300dpi.
Load up on carbs. Eat the Rice, 2015 digital image 3600 x 5400 pixels at 300dpi.
One twist to two worlds. Möbius Strip, 2015 digital image 3750 x 4786 pixels at 300dpi.
Hoo. Woo, 2015 digital image 5250 x 3688 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s becoming more and more important. For Art’s Sake, 2015 digital image 3952 x 3900 pixels at 300dpi.
Who am I? Ma Ohw, 2015 digital image 3750 x 4988 pixels at 300dpi.
Laying around. Sloth, 2015 digital image 5250 x 3515 pixels at 300dpi.
Roaming toward the inevitable. The Track, 2015 digital image 4535 x 3900 pixels at 300dpi.
Cinema basics. RGB, 2015 digital image 4720 x 3900 pixels at 300dpi.
A used to be. Xmasses, 2015 digital image 3750 x 4789 pixels at 300dpi.
Different than us. You and You, 2015 digital image 3750 x 4918 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s more than a number. The Beast, 2015 digital image 4912 x 3900 pixels at 300dpi.
Hour six changed everything. Hour Seven, 2015 digital image 4583 x 3900 pixels at 300dpi.
Doe. Nerve, 2015 digital image 3750 x 5246 pixels at 300dpi.
Splash and boom. Hydrogen and Oxygen, 2015 digital image 3750 x 4299 pixels at 300dpi.
It dislikes being objectified. A Mind is a Terrible Thing, 2015 digital image 3750 x 5135 pixels at 300dpi.
A place for yourself. Man Cave, 2015 digital image 3750 x 4680 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s all on the line. Red light green light. Heej, 2015 digital image 3597 x 5400 pixels at 300dpi.
All around. Good Points, 2015 digital image 3750 x 5000 pixels at 300dpi.
Picture in picture. Pip, 2015 digital image 3750 x 5188 pixels at 300dpi.
The same song over and over again. Handcakes, 2015 digital image 3750 x 4595 pixels at 300dpi.
A lesson in displacement. Ode, 2015 digital image 3750 x 3999 pixels at 300dpi.
It’s a topic usually kept out of movies. The Cost of Things, 2015 digital image 3135 x 5400 pixels at 300dpi.
Protect your kids. Avengers, 2015 digital image 4726 x 3900 pixels at 300dpi.
Yes and notes. Notes, 2015 digital image 3081 x 5400 pixels at 300dpi.
Time is and time isn’t. Lapse, 2015 digital image 5250 x 3498 pixels at 300dpi.