Tag: digitalPage 3 of 19
No responsive records.
We don’t need a reboot.
It will never let you down.
The worst people.
Good riddance.
Quick peek into another world.
Wrong and wrong.
Down a little and up a lot.
Out of town money starts pouring in.
Starting something new this week. Now there is room to learn.
Started off just right.
When I’m spotted at an art show, the first thing asked of me is, “What are you doing here?” I answer that I wanted to see the art, and then reflexively return the question. The response is always the same. “I’m just supporting a friend.” The art world is a funny place.
He orbits 16 times per day. Look up.
An old man approached and asked, “What’s amazing?” I hope it was me from the future.
So trashie.
Bouncing on pins and reversing on needles.
Those stains won’t come out.
It’s full of stars.
Looking back and falling forward.
There wasn’t very far to go.
Putting this there.
A fix for that lame “winning” meme.
Oh, it’s lovely here.
Most people find that it’s either fun or fear.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Focus is everything.
It’s infuriating to hear these issues be manipulated.
The jaywalker inserted herself directly in front of me on the sidewalk. Senses reeled and a strong burn invaded the nose. It was like walking into a wall. I stopped and decided to wait for her to get well ahead. The pong lingered at full strength for more than half a block. The scent she was trying to hide could not be more offensive than the nearly visual odor that was left in her wake. I hit the corner and made for the next block.
Catching a lot of heat, but at least they care.
Don’t just disappear in the middle of everything.
Fun fact, I graduated from the same high school as John Hughes. The school scenes from “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” were filmed there.
Site and time-specific installation.
This might be able to tell us something.
A biased state of mind.
They always walk on the left.
Who’s got the time?
That’s where we’re sitting. A little morality breakdown could help so many. Syd Royce Stand Down, 2018 Digital image 8520 x 12000 pixels at 600dpi.
The same old question getting kicked around forever. There’s nothing supernatural here. Keep moving. Syd Royce Spawning Again, 2018 Digital image 9000 x 9103 pixels at 600dpi.
The false unforced error should be used with great care and offered with the appropriate documentation. Syd Royce Intersting, 2018 Digital image 11016 x 9000 pixels at 600dpi.
Locking down an ecosystem to make it stable. Listening to complaints, looking down on the high-brow and squinting hard at the low-brow. Syd Royce Amenities, 2018 Digital image…